I am SOOOOO Excited!!!!

on 7/25/07 10:20 am - Indianapolis, IN
I had my consult with Dr. Bergman today. Friends...I love her!!! She was so refreshing after that fiasco I had with Dr. T! She's professional and thorough, yet friendly, down-to-earth, and explains everything to you on your terms. She doesn't mind giving advise at all...and the advise is NOT to her financial benefit. Case in point, after examining me, she advised me to worry about my stomach & boobs and that if I felt like I still needed the backside done, we can tackle that a few months later...but she doesn't think I will! So.... I'll be having the full tummy tuck thing with the abdomon tightening, lipo, breast lift & implants (saline) If the insurance covers the pani portion (and she believes they will), it'll only be a little over $9,000 TOTAL..that's surgery center and everything! That is less than half what I was quoted elsewhere for just the body lift! Well, now I am waiting for them to hear back from insurance (3-4 weeks expected), then we can schedule! I'm looking at the 3/4 week of Septemeber probably. Bill's not crasy about me getting the implants. To him, it's too Pamela Anderson...screaming 'FAKE!!'. It's not like I know someone who wouldn't mind him looking and feeling their boobs so he could see how natural they can be when you aren't going for the triple E. I hope he comes around. She said that without them, I'd be a full B...MAYBE a very small C. After being a C/D all my life, I just don't feel comfortable going down to a B. Ah well, he's not paying for them... Anyway guys & gals...If/when you consider Plastics, I would HIGHLY recommend your checking out Dr. Bergman! Oh yeah....she didn't charge me for the consult...she's running it through the insurance! How cool is that???? I paid big $$ at Dr. T's! Tomorrow, I have to call doctor's offices and have my lab results sent to Dr. Bergman's office. I also have to call and get my mammagram scheduled. I'm on my way to really getting this done!!!! Woo-hoo! Sherri ps...Marianne & Carmen...thank you ladies. You both have been such a plastics inspiration for me! pss...Ellen...I am so glad you wanted to share today with me! BTW...thank you, thank you, thank you! That was so sweet of you to get me those wonderful birthday gifts! I can't wait to put them out in the RV!!!


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 7/25/07 11:41 am - Terre Haute, IN

Sherri, now you're making me excited too. I had to reschedule my appointment with Dr. Grassee to August, but I'm excited to see what she has to say. I hope I can get some insurance help too.  Linda Vicory


on 7/25/07 11:56 am - Thorntown, IN

Sherri,   I loved spending time with you & Bill and getting all the "details". I am so excited for you- you'll be a knockout!! As far as Bill, just wait till he gets his hands on the' new ,firmer,better, PERKIER you"- he' ll be soooo happy you went with a C.Thanks for sharing your special news with me- you know I am in your corner and sooo happy for you!!! Glad you liked everything and I'll see if she has any of those little nightlights left when I am over in Lebanon again, ok?! I hope time just flies and you here from your Ins. quickly!! See you on the 7th!! (((hugs and love))) Ellen

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
O. Kufi
on 7/25/07 12:25 pm
 You Go Girl Yea! It sounds like you have found the right one. You are going to look mahvelus dalink!

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 7/25/07 1:24 pm - Brownstown, IN
Sherry, My cousin just had her breasts done and she is now a small D and she looks awesome, its only been about 6 weeks and you cant tell, of course she didnt have to have any skin removed but they look so natural,  Its just amazing.  I called Dr. Bergmans office and who ever i talked to said they didnt take insurance,  now i lost their number.  if you have it will you send it to me and i will try again.  i have an apt with a more local Dr. but i would really love to go to her instead, i have heard so much positive about her.  Congrats to you on your upcoming surgery.  Carla

 check out my profile and photos and add me at    

on 7/25/07 6:43 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Carla, Their number is 317-381-0001. They never even batted an eye about the insurance. I'm not the only one either. Marianne's insurance paid for a large portion of her work and she's through Dr. Bergman too. Now...Dr. Turkle, she didn't want to bill the insurance at all. Good luck!  Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Annette C.
on 7/25/07 10:54 pm - Danville, IN

Sherri,  I knew you would love Dr.B.  She's really something.   I am self-pay and my consult fee was only $50.   Not bad when you consider that the consult took at least 2 hours.  

Bill will warm up to your new "friends" the moment he meets them. I'm so excited for you.  Keep us posted on your date.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 7/26/07 2:35 am - New Whiteland, IN
Sherri,  I am so excited for you!! I saw Dr. Bergman Wednesday Morning for my one week check up.  She said I am doing great! I feel better each day and when she told me the worst pain would be gone after a week she was right! My drain was good enough yesterday that she removed it so I am thrilled about that! It is such a pain where it is located and with the compression garmet it is a really a nusience!! :o) I weighted today and I am down 9 pounds from the morning of surgery so I am thrilled. The swelling can last for months so I hadn't expected to show a loss yet. I am 7 pounds from goal and know it will be reached now. This surgery kind of re started my healthy eating from my RNY surgery. I haven't had much of an appetite so I have really been forcing myself to eat. Concentrating on the proteins mainly. That is key for good healing. Sherri, Tell Bill how important it is for you to feel good about this for yourself. I love my new breasts and am so happy I went a little larger than I originally planned on. I catch Jon taking peeks at me now and then and I know he loves them too! Just waiting ot give them a test ride...lol I am really well proportioned now even with the swelling. Your bust and hips should be about the same and they should be about 10 inches larger than your waist and I am just about perfect with that now.  Even with the fullness and swelling my breasts don't look or feel fake. Certainly alot different from the pair of tube socks I had gotten used to! :o) I am so glad you liked Dr. Bergman! I fell in love with her immediatly and knew she was the right Dr. For me. When They took my drain out yesterday, I asked if it would hurt as I never had one with my RNY. She said it would be a buring sensation and for me to take a deep breath and then blow while Christy removed the tube. I must of looked concerned as she offered to let me hold her hand...awww she is the best! She told me to do basically nothing for the next 3 weeks so I am behaving and getting my rest. :o) I see her again in 3 weeks fro another checkup and to start scar treatment. Sherri, I am so happy to have been a plastic inspiration to you. I have long appreciaed your sweet giving spirit in helping others along the way in their journey and to give back a little makes me feel great. I know you are in good hands with Doc. You all have a simply marvelous day!!  Hugs! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 7/26/07 10:13 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Marianne, Thank you so much! See? You are always so willing to share! I have a question though...what is scar treatment? Bill & I didn't remember that from the consult. With Dr. B telling you to do nothing for at least 3 more weeks,at least she has some real sense of how long it takes to heal. At Dr. T's, they told me 2 weeks..and that was with a body lift! I remember my very first drain tube.....it was for my gall bladder. I swear, that thing was at least 3 feet long! The surgeon had me sit on this couch in the exam room and had Bill sit beside me and hold my hand. Then he pulled and he pulled and he pulled. It was about like a fisherman hauling in his nets! Bill could see better then and could not believe all that tubing was inside me. So...what 6" or so? LOL! The one for the RNY, RNY revision, and hernia repair were all short...one pull and they were out. I felt so better after that tube was out that each time, although it's not the most comfortable thing in the world, I always look forward to their rip-cord (like a lawn mower) action!  Well..my thyroid doc is faxing in those results to Dr. B. I have my mammagram scheduled (this Monday). I called Dr. Gupta's office and got her nurse's voicemail. I'm to have them fax over my last bloodwork as well. I am suppose to go for my 3 year check-up on September 20th. That is about the time that I'm wanting to have the plastics...also, that would mean the results they would fax over are about a year old. So...I'm going to see if I can have the appointment changed to sooner. I wouldn't have to worry about missing it then and the bloodwork would be more up-to-date. They are taking care of the insurance thing..and the financing, I've got covered. So...I think I did everything I'm suppose to do.  Now to get ready for Indiana Beach! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/27/07 12:59 am - New Whiteland, IN
Sherri, I am so excited for you! I know just how you feel! :o) I look in the miror now and see my new body and still can't believe I get to keep it! lol I look so wonderful compared to what I had before. I am hoping to sneek out this Sunday and see about fitiing into some jeans at Lane Bryant in the Greenwood Mall. It is close to home and my daughter will probably take me so.....  My dream is to be to get a pair of jeans that I can wear a top tucked into and look good in! No big upper roll over the waistband and no tummy roll to hide.  I weighed  today and I am down to 255, 5 from goal for me. I was 266 the day of surgery and I have really been eating healthy since I am home. I feel so much better every day and my body is adjusting to the new shape very well. You won't beleive how nice Dr. Does the thighs when she pulls the incision up to tighten. I hadn't expected that and I love the look. My thighs are still big and have loose skin but I can live with that.  The scar treatment she told me was after 4 weeks we can start treating our scars to help minimize them. She has several products in mind and says they all work about the same. The main thing is massage more than anything. Up to 4~6 weeks she does not want us to put anything on the incision at all. I just shower and then blow dry cool with my hair dryer. For now, since I am home daily, I only shower every other day to lessen the wear and tear on the strips. The itching is a real issue now but I guess that is good :o). All my incisions look great and I have not had any bleeding or seepage at all. The main thing that really helped me after surgery was learning to tell the difference between what was muscle soreness pain and incision pain. If it was muscle pain I worked thru it and every time it got better. Kinda worked itself out. If it was incision pain I gave up and rested. I have tried not to put any strain on the incisions at all so they will heal the best possible way. I hunched over walking for about the first 3~4 days but have been straight since.  I know in your fit shape you will go thru this in a breeze! Hope you all have a fabulous weekend at Indian Beach. I grew up there and was a nanny for the owners daughter for 4 years. I love it there! It is like coming home to me! Enjoy yourself and tell the sal****er taffy hello for me and feed the big carp fish!  Hugs! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

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